Thursday 29 March 2012


At the beginning of the course, my preliminary task was too create a college magazine to help me progress to the full main task product. During this preliminary task I had too create a magazine Front cover and contents page just like my main task but as it was my first task and I haven’t done anything like this before. My magazine didn’t fit any criteria. But as I have done this, I will look back and I can see where I went wrong therefore it will help me with the main task to make my magazine target a more specific audience. I have done this with my main task by using certain fonts and certain layouts. I still followed some of the conventions of a magazine such as adding a masthead and coverlines but it seemed like my one fitted a poster criteria more than a magazine.

For the preliminary task, I used certain people too for my college magazine which could have went better therefore for my music magazine I used different people to give it a different look. This worked out very well as it seemed like it attracted the right audience as they can relate to the subjects in the images. Also helping me from the preliminary task as well was the use of Photoshop as not only it helped me create the college magazine but it also helped me create my music magazine as well. This helped me make it look more professional as I could manipulate images to my advantage. Unlike in my preliminary task, I was an amateur at using Photoshop so I could use the software to its potential.
For both preliminary and main task I had to use the Canon EOS 400D camera and use a photo-editing software to create the magazine. From prilimanary to main task I have improved a lot in technical and physical techniques eithier through using the ccamera or doing different things on Photoshop. I did still have trouble with the cameras Flash system which was new to me but after afew tries and flashes I got use to it and took really good pictures. I produce decent images for both college and music magazine.

Time wise, I believe that my organisation of time was OK but could have been more efficient. I tried to stick with deadlines but with a few issues of being behind a few weeks in lessons meant that I had to do extra work outside the lesson.  I tried to keep with the deadlines and get the work done with the high standard that I would be please with was really demanding at the time as I had other subjects to concentrate on at the same time. But the final outcome I was really please with. I still some how found time to get really good photos taken which would have made the difference in grades for the magazines.

The preliminary task really prepared me for the main task as I had to also create a front and contents page as well. But the main task needed me to create a double page spread and with the knowledge and skills I have developed from the preliminary task, I produce a really eye catching and professional double page spread which I was really please with it. As if you compared the two task with each other now, you will be able to see the improvements of the magazines.
During my preliminary task, the management of props and costume was really poor and from this mistake, I have planned out the props and costume for my main task much more professionally. I have used no props for my main image of the main task as it will allow attracting a wider audience where as if for example the model was holding a mic, it could have only targeted audiences who can sing. The costume was also planned out as through my audience research, I went for the look that my genre was into at the time.

Overall I was really please with what I came out with for my music magazine using faults from the preliminary task and developing and improving on them. Also using techniques and skills I have learnt from the preliminary task to help me with the main task. 

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