Friday 16 March 2012


To start of my project, one of my main task was to analyse an existing magazine to see how the conventions of a music magazine were presented on this cover through its denotations and connotations. This will show me how the magazine used the conventions of a music magazine to target particular audiences. Doing this will allow me too see how people followed the conventions of a music magazine. In my music magazine I used the conventions to make my music magazine attract audiences and make it more or less like a professional music magazine.

One of the most important conventions I use was the big masthead that was placed on top of the magazine as it emulates real magazine and follows the conventions of a music magazine. The purpose of doing this is to let it stand out from everything else that was on the magazine as it is the masthead. I did this by downloading a font from ‘’. By doing this my magazine will seem less boring as you are not using fonts that are given too you already. This will reach out further to your target audience as it is eye-catching. Even though I have changed the font already I also did a bit of my own editing to the masthead for it to attract my target audience as much as possible. I have done this by adding white brushes as a background for the masthead which gives it an urban look and make the dark colours of the text stand out even more. Also I have replace to ‘O’ of ‘URBANSOUL’ with a speaker which is linked to the music magazine. In this masthead I used 2 types of font which were both downloaded of the website ‘’. Except for the ‘R’ in the masthead, the rest of the text is the same font. Another convention I decided to use is placing the main image in front of the masthead which gave the main image a stand out effect almost like its coming out the magazine. This is really good as it will catch people’s eyes and makes it look very professional. The colour scheme I used for my masthead is mainly navy and blue as it matched with the costume she was wearing which gave the front page a colour scheme which I eye catching.

Another convention that is important for creating a music magazine is a selling line. This convention is used on almost every music magazine to promote it as much as possible. It is commonly a line that is used to persuade the audience to buy the magazine. A phrase to either sum up the magazine or something to draw in the audiences attention. A selling line is another way of showing off the magazine if it got a good review from something you can write it as a selling line so everyone would know This is another way of promoting your magazine is. My selling line was ‘The Exclusive & Best Of HipHop/RnB’, this not only let the audience knew what music genre the music was based on but it also mention how good he magazine was.

In my magazine I included a barcode and a dateline all compressed into a section. This is important as it is part of the convention of a music magazine to add these in. Not only that but I also added the website and price of the magazine there as well. This looked more like a professional as all the information about the magazine is positioned in one place. This makes it stand out on the self of the shop from all the other magazines as all the important detail you need to know about the magazine is placed in one position.

One of the most important conventions I used for the front page is coverlines. This plays a really big role in catching your audiences eyes as it will tell your audience what is eatured in the magazine. The positioning, layout and choice of words play a big role in making the coverlines actually catching the audiences eyes.  My coverlines used a variety of fonts which were downloaded of ‘’. All the fonts I used went well with the genre of music I have chosen as it doesn’t look as formal and boring. I mainly based the coverline of the right third of the page so it didn’t overlap the main image as much. I mainly used 2 colours which was inspired from the masthead which went with the theme. The opposing colours made certain coverlines stick out which catches the audiences eye. The main coverline I used a pink, white and blue which goes very well as the blue and white was consistent throughout the front page and the pink just made it pop out which is really good to catch the readers’ eye. I also added a little tilting affect to part of the main masthead which gave it a more eye catching affect.


On my front page I also have included a puff which was also one of the conventions of a music magazine. This made a big difference as it is one of the first things the buyer would see as it is in bright pink and it’s a competition as well. Competition is known to draw the audience as they know they have a chance of winning something. The puff was designed myself using Photoshop.

On the front cover the colour scheme I used was inspired by the costume the subject was wearing. The subject was wearing a navy and white baseball jacket so it gave me the idea to use a blue, navy and white colour scheme for the masthead as using this colour scheme with give it almost like a theme for the front page. Using too much colours will give the reader to much colour to take in so keeping it simple is always the best. I also used a bright pink for some parts of the front page where I needed certain things to stick out. This is effective as I have used a bright neon colour which stands out the most and is different to the colour scheme which could be represented as different.

The most important convention of a music magazine is too use a medium close up of the subject as the dominant image.  I decided to use a medium close as it shows the main concentration of the magazine. I have used this type of image as I was inspired from a ‘T.I Vibe Magazine’ as it makes the subject stand out and almost has a coming out the magazine effect. The pose my subject was doing as well suits the music genre of HipHop/RnB as it is not formal at all. This was also inspired from the ‘T.I Vibe magazine’ as in that magazine TI was not posing formerly at all which gave it the ‘ghetto’ sense.

For my contents page I also followed the conventions for a contents page which will help me to see the difference from amateur to a professional magazine. One of the first things that I had to do was include other pictures which will have something to do with other contents featured in the magazine. This will avoid boredom from reading to many texts as images will make it more interesting too look at.  I also added an image of the main subject from the front cover but it has to be different slightly as repetition of the same image is not professional where as a picture of the same subject is good. This will represent continuity which is good for the magazine as the reader knows what is going on.
Also I have a print screen of the front page on the top right of the page to show readers to deal you can get when you subscribe to the magazine which is a good idea as you are persuading people to buy your magazine. I also have included a column on the left hand side where I have put what is featured in the magazine to keep the readers updated with what is going to be in the magazine. By arranging the features on the left it gives the contents page a simple look which is a convention that is used by a lot of music magazines as it is simple and effective too. I mainly followed most conventions including adding a editors note and other small stuff like adding a symbol which represents your masthead in a way. The colour scheme I used is always linked to the front cover as I used the same colour but just used it in a different way. I used a ‘MixMag contents page’ as an example of a professional.

For my double page spread I followed the conventions of a magazine but also added a few tweaks of my own to it in order to make it more eye catching to my target audiences. I used a similar colour scheme but with a few more added colours to suit the target audience. It also makes the double page spread seem more eye catching as well. I added a brush effect on top of the image of the main subject where the quote is. This made the double page spread look more eye catching to the eye which makes it less boring.  I have stuck with most of the conventions such as two columns of text and having a stand first. Once again I looked at professional double pages and tried to use certain conventions that made the difference of an amateur’s magazine and a professionals magazine.                               

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