Saturday 17 March 2012


My music magazine is targeted at a teenage audience who are enthusiastic music listeners. The magazine is made for both sex who are into HipHop/RnB. The way I have represented my target audience is through the theme, layout and images I have used through the magazine. Firstly, the image of the subject used in the front cover represents a particular social group several ways.
The first way is through her costume, the costume she is wearing would link with most of the HipHop/RnB listeners as that’s a general stereotype of what they would wear. The costume the subject is wearing is a navy/white baseball jacket with the number 23 in white on it. This look represents most HipHop/RnB singers as I have used an image of Rihanna wearing a baseball jacket as Rihanna is a good example of an female artist from the HipHop/Rnb gerne. I have chosen to use her as an example as she is one of the most repected artist in the HipHop/RnB genre with people using her as role models. She is also good with her sense of fashion as she is always looking good and up to date with her style like the baseball jacket she was wearing.
The pose she’s doing goes well with the genre as RiHanna had this style of hair with one side of her head really short and leaving one side long as normal. This style of hair was mainly picked up from Rihanna when she had it with red hair as well. So having my subject with a short is really good as the trend is catching with a lot of other artist in the genre as well such as a well known one would be Cassie. Also my subject is pushing her hair up from the side which gives it a more interesting look and I common pose that artist and celebrities do when their posing which gives it a more eye catching look.  I felt the way the my subject on the front page represented the particular social group very well.
 The image I used of my subject for the double page spread is of her looking away of the camera and having a straight face. This is because the images I used of the main subject have eye contact and are smiling already so having to much repetition too the subject can be considered bad. Having too much repetition might bore the reader and make it too typical where as having a variety of images will give the magazine a different fill to it each time. Also the images I used for the double pages are of people of different race which will represent that the HipHop/RnB is a worldwide genre. The images also shows the prop they are using is linked to music with one holding headphones and the other one a mic. This is important as it shows the particular social group I am going for are people are really dedicated to their music and are real music listeners.

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