Tuesday 20 March 2012


How well your front cover is and how eye catching it is will determine whether your target audience will pick up your magazine or not. Therefore I spent longest on developing the front cover combining my own knowledge and advice from my audience research.  The first way I made it attract to my target audience is by choosing my model to have a similar age of 16 which gives the audience the chance to relate to her. Another advantage of the model I use was she is attractive which also helps in attracting the target audience.  I also made my model wear a costume that represented the HipHop/RnB genre which my target audience can relate to as well. As before I stated the costume she is wearing was inspired from a picture of Rihanna also wearing a baseball jacket.

Throughout the front page I kept to the HipHop/Rnb genre and I have done this by using certain fonts. Most of my coverlines are fonts that have been downloaded from dafont.com to suit the genre of music.  Also in my coverlines I used certain Artist which are well known for the genre of music and above that I also used new artist that are also doing well in the HipHop/RnB industry for the real music listeners. On the front cover, I have also included some of the most recent news of the HipHop/RnB sector as two very well known artist are having a little problem with each other and the real music listeners will know about this. So I included ‘DRAKE VS LUDACRIS: Bada-Boom – Ludas Come Back’ and this will attract the right audience as they would want to know whats going on.

Another way I attracted the target audience is I used a different font which I also downloaded from dafont.com for the main feature of the magazine too make it stand out from the other coverlines to show individuality and importance of the main feature. The size comparison is really noticeable as well as eye catching. This will let the reader know the importance of the main feature to the other coverlines. 

The colour scheme was another way I attracted the audience as to much bright colours could represent a dance magazine and too much dark colours could represent heavy metal. So I decided to use abit of both as I got the navy colour from the baseball jacket that the model was wearing and the bright pink was to make certain components stand out.  An example of this is the puff I used which was a competition to win Tinie Tempah tickets which would definitely draw in my target audience as Tinie Tempah is known to the HipHop/RnB genre.

Another way was the type of language I used and on the front cover I used formal language for the majority of the article so I can attract people outside the target group as well and not just young people.  Also on my contents page, I decided to calm it down a bit after I made my front cover a bit of an eye full so making the contents page organise will let the reader understand what is going on. I still made the main feature stand out to show its importance but still made the page easy to the eye.

For the double page I made it look unique compared to the front and contents page. I have done this by making the second half of the page have a grey background and the left half a dark background which is different to the other two pages. I also added brushes which I made on Photoshop onto the left page where the quote and image is to make it more eye catching and less plain. This will keep the reader interested and prevent them from getting board.

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