Sunday 4 March 2012

Main Task: Different Stages of Music Magazine

I was given improvements by class mates which gave me an idea on how other people saw the magazine and how i could have improved it.

This is my front page and it originally was
going to be like this. After my improvements
i decided to change the font of the masthead
and the layout too so it ran across the whole
top of the magazine. This meant i had to find
a different place for the website, date and
bar-code so i decided to dedicate the left side
of the subjects face for that. This meant the
coverlines and main coverline had to move as
well so i did a lot or re-positioning. So in the
end i moved the main coverline to the bottom
and added more coverlines to the right side
as it looked a bit dodgy with the right side of
the front page being empty. I also added more
content onto the front page which was a selling
This is my contents page and the improvements
needed for this page was fill in the empty spaces
and have an editors note. So during my weeks of
developing this magazine I changed the font of
the text, did some moving around and tilted the
print screen of the front page too the right.
I also added a editors note to make it look more
professional with my signature as well.
This is my double page spread and here i had too add a lot
more colour and make it look less 'boring'. I changed the titles font to a more eye catching font with colour as well. I only made the title fit onto one side of the DPS as it looked better. I changed the quote as it was too long. I also re-sized and position the stand first to its correct position. I made the font bigger as well so it didn't look so boring and compacted. I also in the end added extra photos to represent the image director work.

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