Tuesday 27 March 2012


In this project I have learnt and experience masses of different types and forms of technology either through software or physically. In the time of my project, I have learnt how to use these technologies to create my coursework and use them successfully.

Firstly, through the process of creating the magazine I have learnt how to use the Canon EOS 400D. I also used it when I was doing my college magazine task but I didn’t use it to its full potential but in this project I hooked it up to a Bowens Gemini Esprit GM 500 Flash which allowed me to give the image a higher quality and make it look more professional. The flash was linked to the camera through Bowens Radio trigger which allowed me to free roam with the camera until I felt like I got the right position and let me take the picture.  There was a problem with having no tripod as it was very hard to achieve a steady image and focus. To get round this problem, I just rested my arm on a chair or a little stall which sorted the problem easily.

Most of my photos I have taken are all taken from the same location which is in a room with a black screen behind it to avoid having any unwanted scene in the background.  This allowed me to add or remove anything to the background easily using a software called Photoshop. This was another technology I used and I improved in a lot. Before Photoshop was a software which I use once in a while and if I did use it I was really limited in what to do. Now I am much more experience and can achieve a lot more with the software such as manipulating the image I used to get a certain effect. I used a mixed of Photoshop CS3 and CS5 as CS5 had some brushes that was much easier too which allowed me to make that brush effect I done on the double page. Another thing I used Photoshop for was turning Photoshop files into JPEG which was the file type you needed the format to be in order to post it on your blog. So I found Photoshop useful several ways to help me with my project.   

Other ways I used Photoshop is adding a Stroke effect to certain coverlines and text. I found this tool very useful as it helped the text/coverlines stand out. This helped me make particular coverlines stand out from other coverlines. This gave my magazine a professional look and it was really simple to use as well.

From the very beginning of the course, Blogger was introduced to me as the new place where all my work is going to go. This meant I had to get too use to it and make it decent too look at. This my first ever experience of Blogger which meant I had trouble at first but then after getting use too it, posting work on it started getting easier. From the experience of using Blogger, I have learnt it is a really good way of letting others view your work /product which is a really good way of promotion and could be class as marketing if you wanted it to be.

Other technologies I used were networking ones such as Facebook, WhatsApp and MSN which I have used for part of my research that I have included in my blog as evidence. Overall, I have experienced loads of different types of technologies in this project either hardware or software which has benefited me really well.

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