Thursday 8 December 2011

Main Task: Unmanipulated Photos

This is the image i used for the front cover. I have chosen this picture to use as the spacing around the subject is good and filling up the empty spaces while keeping in mind too make it eye catching should be simple. Her NVC also has a cheerful look which goes well with the front cover. Her costume and prop is also right for the Hip Hop/RnB as i found out in my Audience Research.
These are the images i plan to use for my contents. I have chosen these 3 as i needed a variety of images to use for the contents page. The image of the main subject is now different to the front cover as now she is wearing headphones, this is important as i needed different images of the main subject to use throughout the magazine so it gave a variety of images. All of the images i am going to use in the contents page is linked to music whether its headphones or a mic.

These are the images i have chosen to use for the double page spread. The main big image is going to be my background image and I will be developing the double page spread using that image as an outline. I have chosen this image as it had good spacing around the main subject and an empty space on the right for where i will be writing the article on her. The other 3 images are going to be on the double page to represent who directed the images and are more examples of the persons work.
These are the images i have decided not to use. The image of
the main subject would have been a good pose but as the
subjects hair is too hard to crop, it meant the background
had to stay which i couldn't work with as it was a poor
background. The second image, the lighting was too dark which
meant you couldn't see the image clearly at all so I couldn't use that
image. The last image was meant to be for the double page but
i didn't use it as there was to many spacing around the main subject
which would have been difficult to fill. I am proud of the final images
i have chosen to use as they look very professional compared to the
images i didn't decide to use. 

Main Task: Case Study of a Publishing House

IPC Media
IPC Media, a consumer magazine and a digital publisher in the UK. IPC have been very successful selling over 350 million copies each year. This is because it produces over 60 different media brands. Their prints alone are hitting almost two thirds of the woman in the UK and 42% of men in the UK. Their magazines are focused on the older audience – 26 million UK adults. They have also successfully reached their target audience via the web with 20 millions users every month.
IPC have a particular target audience, they focus on 3 main target audiences and the first one is men (IPC Inspire). They have hit this target audience well with the stereotype of men which are into the leisure & Hound, Rugby World and Decanter. They also went for the well known lifestyle magazine such as Nuts, Mousebreaker and NME to make the audience as wide as possible.
The other Target audience is the market woman’s division (IPC Connect). This section IPC has focused on the famous women weeklies magazines such as Look, Now, Chat and Woman. They have also went for the TV entertainment brands such as Whats TV, TVTimes and TV & Satallite Week and even resolved to online, the goodtoknow network to have a wide audience as much as possible.
Their last main focus audience is the upmarket woman’s division (IPC Southbank) which go for magazines that focus on luxury fashion, lifestyle and home interest brands. These brands include magazines such as Marie Claire, In Style, woman&home, essential, Ideal Home, Livingetc and housetohome magazines. With these 3 main focuses, it’s obvious that IPC are going for the older generation people (UK adults).
One of their recent new target audiences is the younger generation of men through their NME and Nuts magazine. They have focused more on the younger generation of men aged 18-34 year old males. Nuts is the number one lifestyle magazine accounting every 2 out of 5 lifestyle magazines brought. Also NME is a music publication in the UK, which publishes weekly about news and information on the latest music. It is mainly focused and linked with punk rock. This shows IPC also have range on readers which include music fans as well.
IPC have really well with pleasing their audience as they have kept magazines such as Country Life, Horse & Hound, Shooting Time and many more still running since the 1800s which shows the audiences have kept with their magazines. IPC has also be successful through other means such as the web. In 1990s NME launched its own music website which is the first major UK music title to get its own internet site and has high hopes to become Europe’s most popular music website.
From all the research I have done, I feel like my magazine, ‘UrbanSoul’ will benefit them to increase their amount of subscribers and readers. It will also be linked to their Nuts magazine as many HipHop/RnB fans are also into the lifestyle magazines and general gossip. They will also benefit from their NME magazine as NME is focused on punk rock and bringing my magazine into the IPC Media will widen the music audience. This will allow IPC Media to gain a new type of audience mainly from the UK. This will get more subscribers and readers as most and IPC magazines are about the UK anyway.
TVTimes: This is one of the UKs best known best known magazine brand which has been running for about 50 years. This magazine is weekly. This magazine is an example of IPC ‘mass market woman’ audience which is read mainly by the woman aged 25-54, also a family read too.
Golf Monthly: Golf Monthly is a lively and welcoming brand that Is in the soprt genre which continues to grow. This magazine is the UKs most widely read golf magazine and covers almost everything from news to instructions of golf. This magazine is monthly. This is an example of IPC ‘upmarket men’ audience which is read by men aged 25-54.
Nuts: Nuts is the number one men’s lifestyle magazine selling in the UK. Accounting 2/5 men’s lifestyle magazine sold. Nuts have established itself as the biggest brand in men’s media. This magazine is out weekly with an audience of men aged 16-30. This is an example of IPC ‘Young Men’ audience.
Essentials: Essential is one of those magazines with tips and advice to make life easier every day. It also helps with emotional and physical advice for people, not only this, they also provide great affordable fashion and many other advice. This magazine is out weekly and is aimed at women aged 28-44. This is IPC ‘Upmarket Woman’ audience.

Friday 2 December 2011

Main Task: Mood Board

My Mood Board was create to represent the typical of my music genre. The music genre I have focused it on is HipHop/RnB. All of the images I have included in the Mood Board are typical things that are linked to my target audience through one way or another. I have done this by including images such as clothing brands such as Hollister, JD, Adidas and other brands. Through images linked to hobbies such as PS3, Xbox and TV. New gadgets that they would be interested in and own, such as Phones like BB, Iphone, HTC and others. Music related items such as headphones, mic and magazines. These will be items that you would think of when it comes to the music genre of HipHop/RnB.

Main Task: Audience Researh

I made a questionnaire for my audience to answer and this questionnaire involved questions like
1) Do you prefer a girl or boy in front of a music magazine cover?

2) Do you wish the magazine to be based on one genre - as in RnB, Hip Hop, rock or several?

3)Do you prefer the magazine to be just based on music or too include general news and what's going on in the world?

4)What is the maximum you would pay for a decent magazine?

5)What colours do you think suits Hip Hop/RnB magazine?

6) What kind of title do you think would suit Hip Hop/RnB genre?

From this questionnaire i have had a better understanding on what my audience would want in a music magazine and I will take there comments into consideration to make my magazine as appealing as possible to my audience. This would include stuff like, price, colour scheme, images use and others.

Main Task: Profiling Your Audience

The typical 'Urban Soul' Reader: Anthony Tran, 18, loves RnB Hip Hop. The music he listens too has a massive affect on his personnal life. The way he dresses, the people he hang out with and the places he goes. He connects with his music for most of his life, even when he sleeps. He attends concerts at any chance he gets and keeps himself updated with the music industry. Any Hip Hop, RnB song that comes out he has it on his playlist without fail within hours.

Anthony is also updated with modern technology with his ipod, phone and laptop. He always have an alternative to listen to music if one of his devices fail as he can not go through a day without music. Anthony likes to keep updated with his friends and express himself so he uses websites such as Facebook, Formspring and twitter. Even though he is a really passionate towards his music he is also interested in gaming, sport, TV and films.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Main Task: Double Page Spread Convention Diagram

Main Task: Double Page Spread Texture Analysis


On this double page, the image used was a picture of Eva Mendes looking down at us which is a shot from below which connotes power. The image also represent gender because stereotypically you wouldn’t see a woman in a formal shirt with a tie so this again connotes power.

Mise En Sence

This image uses high key lighting to show every detail about her.


From the picture, she is wearing a Formal shirt done up to the top and a tie. This stereotypically would be the opposite of a woman as a stereotypical woman would be in dresses. Also the neatness of her shirt could connote successfulness becuase normally when your dress like that, you would either be going to a very important job or a really formal party.


There are no prop in the main image but there are two smaller images on the double page spread. The first one on top right is of her holding a perfume which connotes she is doing a perfume advertisement. The second image on the second page on the bottom left shows she has some sort of jewellery in her mouth.


The background on this double page spread is a plain white background to keep the audience as less distracted as possible so they can concentrate on the magazine. Also the white background go well with the black and white image of Eva Mendes, it even goes well with the main image where she’s wearing a white shirt.

Non-verbal communication:

In this image, the non verbal communication shows that she is grabbing her tie with her mouth is open and looking down at us which shows power and confidence. The way she grabs her tie connotes she has confident with the way she looks.

Target Audience:

Considering all the layout, theme and pictures, the target audience would be 25-35 year olds. Also mainly females as only girls would be interested in gossip and a interview from ‘Eva Mendes’. As this certain type of crowd will be interested in Eva Mendes and beauty related stuff like this as they will have most knowledge from it.

Main Task: Front Cover Conventions Diagram

Thursday 3 November 2011

Main Task: Introduction

My name is Tommy Ngo and i am studying AS Media Studies.
The task i am doing is to create a Front Page, Contents Page and Double Page spread for a new music magazine. The magazine will be focused on Hip-Hop/RnB genre. I have chosen this genre as I listen to this type of music which would give me a better understanding of the genre. The magazine will have lots of things about everything to do with music.

Preliminary Task: Contents Page FINAL

Thursday 20 October 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover Texture Analysis

This magazine has a picture of Calvin Harris who has shade on and facing the cam. The image is a close-up shot of him showing mainly his shoulders and above. The background has a fading from white to grey, bottom left to top right which goes with the white blazer his wearing. The image covers mainly the half right of the magazine front cover. The Mast head is on top of the main image overlapping the top part of the head which makes it stands out a lot more. Around the image are the cover-lines which are in pink and black which goes really well the theme.Also colours of Calvin Harris' costume as the bright colours represents the 'Dance' music theme. The main cover-line which is 'Calvin Harris' is in the second biggest font. The bar-code, price and date is placed bottom right of the magazine.Masthead:
The masthead use on this magazine is 'Mixmag' and the font of the masthead is not formal and sort of teenage (young) like as well which would suit and stand out on a music magazine like this. This connotes young and modern. Also Mixmag is one of the famous 'Dance Music & clubbing' magazines so it goes well with the theme. Also 'Mixmag' tells the audience that the magazine is music based.

The cover photograph is a close up shot of a famous DJ, 'Calvin Harris'.

He is posed in a very 'casual' way and dressed casual as well which gives the magazine a very casual, modern feeling.

Mise En Scene
His clothing is a casual/formal wear that only modern day young people would wear with shades. This costume has been chosen specifically for this magazine as it would appeal to its target audience who are young, modern people who are into Dance music. The shades bring on the theme of 'Dance' music even more as if you look at the reflection of the shades, you will see speakers on the right,amplifiers and other DJ equipment on the left shade.

His non verbal communication is also a casual look with just a simple pose and the mouth slightly open which could represent anyone.

The lighting is very simple and high key. The shadow cast on his right side could represent the sun going doing as most Dance music is link to clubbing and clubbing is something you would do in the evening.

There is little setting but the bright white background could be part of the bright colour themes as anything to do with dance has bright flashing lights and his white blazer and bright fonts go well with the whole theme.

The main cover-line that relates to his photograph is 'They think I'm abit of a weirdo, Calvin Harris, A crash Course in dance superstardom'. This main cover-line cannotes that people dont really like they way he lives and how his so passionate about his dance music. This will appeal to the audience even more as the audience might also agree with this phrase and think people around do not agree with the type of music that they listen too. also, it says 'a crash course in a dance superstardom' which will get the audience thinking that it could represent a adventure or even journey. Aslo using the word 'superstormdom' is like saying that dance music is the future and is widely popular which would make the audience want to follow even more as they feel like they would be left out if they didnt follow. The other cover-lines are mainly based around raving, other DJs and questions that are asked by anyone which doesnt even have anything to with anything. This could show that Dance music could be anyone and it could be anything so it's also a way to keep the audience interested. Also the raving and DJ bits will keep proper dance fans updated with the dance world.

Target audience:
Considering all the points mention above, the most expected target would be people aged from 18 to 27 as the dance genre is based around modern and casual style and most people would be interested around that age male or female. As around this age they will have the opportunity to go to these raving, dance places and experience the events are opportunities that are mention within the magazine.

Preliminary Task: Front Cover & Contents Page Mock Ups

Thursday 29 September 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover Textual Analysis

The denotation of this photograph shows a girl doing her work and it represents that she is not coping with the situation. The connotation of this photograph represents stressful and no free time.

She is posed in a way where she looks like she can not take it anymore and her desk is full of revision material. This is shown by her facial expression, body language and even the surrounding props.

Setting- The girl is set in a room where she is revising for alot of subjects and has books layed out for it. There are so much books that she doesnt have a place to store them so they are stacked on top of each other. There is also a cup of drunken milk and half eaten toast which represents that she hasnt even had to have a proper snack or tidy up.

Lighting- The lighting used in this photograph is mainly concentrated on the main actor and the rest of the room is dark.

NVC-Her NVC shows that she is tired and almost can not take it no more. Her hair is also scruffy and her elbow is on the desk as well which shows shes again tired and havent had her own free time to do the stuff she wants.

Costume- her costume is casual clothes that you would wear at home so this shows shes actually doing this revising at home. This costume will appeal to those students who would be in her situation as she seems like a everyday person who is struggling to keep up with her studying.

Props- The main prop was a pen in her hand which represented that she hasnt had time to do anything else.


The main coverline relates to the main image as it says 'Testing times. Is revision taking over your life' which the image shows a girl who is struggling to keep with her work. Also the puff goes with the theme of the image.

Target audience:

This is aimed at teenagers who are in the same position as she and who is not keeping up with her work.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Preliminary Task: Movie poster Texture Analysis

This poster represents lots of deaper meanings. For example there is a link between the skull in the background and the title 'CRYSTAL SKULL'. Also it is a low angle shot which gives the character a big, strong and powerful look.

The clothes his wearing also has an effect as he is wearing old, worn out and adventurious clothes which makes him look like someone who is going to go and explore stuff.

The whip and the clenching of the fist makes it look like his ready for a fight which makes to movie look like its going to action-pack. The font of the main title (INDIANA JONES) has a family and comedy look which keeps the old fans from previous episode still interested so its not just a scary action pack movie but it's also a family movie.

Induction: Re-Creation of a Movie Magazine Front Cover

The first image was the design i was given to create from a image given to me. I had to use Photoshop to get the poster that was given to look the first design given. I had trouble using photoshop as i didnt know what most tools do. But I did have a rough idea on how to use it as i tend to use Adobe Fireworks which also has a similar use. I mainly used the Text tool to creat most of the text on the poster. I didnt know how to put effects on the text so it doesnt look identical to the design given.