Friday 2 December 2011

Main Task: Audience Researh

I made a questionnaire for my audience to answer and this questionnaire involved questions like
1) Do you prefer a girl or boy in front of a music magazine cover?

2) Do you wish the magazine to be based on one genre - as in RnB, Hip Hop, rock or several?

3)Do you prefer the magazine to be just based on music or too include general news and what's going on in the world?

4)What is the maximum you would pay for a decent magazine?

5)What colours do you think suits Hip Hop/RnB magazine?

6) What kind of title do you think would suit Hip Hop/RnB genre?

From this questionnaire i have had a better understanding on what my audience would want in a music magazine and I will take there comments into consideration to make my magazine as appealing as possible to my audience. This would include stuff like, price, colour scheme, images use and others.

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