Thursday 8 December 2011

Main Task: Unmanipulated Photos

This is the image i used for the front cover. I have chosen this picture to use as the spacing around the subject is good and filling up the empty spaces while keeping in mind too make it eye catching should be simple. Her NVC also has a cheerful look which goes well with the front cover. Her costume and prop is also right for the Hip Hop/RnB as i found out in my Audience Research.
These are the images i plan to use for my contents. I have chosen these 3 as i needed a variety of images to use for the contents page. The image of the main subject is now different to the front cover as now she is wearing headphones, this is important as i needed different images of the main subject to use throughout the magazine so it gave a variety of images. All of the images i am going to use in the contents page is linked to music whether its headphones or a mic.

These are the images i have chosen to use for the double page spread. The main big image is going to be my background image and I will be developing the double page spread using that image as an outline. I have chosen this image as it had good spacing around the main subject and an empty space on the right for where i will be writing the article on her. The other 3 images are going to be on the double page to represent who directed the images and are more examples of the persons work.
These are the images i have decided not to use. The image of
the main subject would have been a good pose but as the
subjects hair is too hard to crop, it meant the background
had to stay which i couldn't work with as it was a poor
background. The second image, the lighting was too dark which
meant you couldn't see the image clearly at all so I couldn't use that
image. The last image was meant to be for the double page but
i didn't use it as there was to many spacing around the main subject
which would have been difficult to fill. I am proud of the final images
i have chosen to use as they look very professional compared to the
images i didn't decide to use. 

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