Friday 2 December 2011

Main Task: Profiling Your Audience

The typical 'Urban Soul' Reader: Anthony Tran, 18, loves RnB Hip Hop. The music he listens too has a massive affect on his personnal life. The way he dresses, the people he hang out with and the places he goes. He connects with his music for most of his life, even when he sleeps. He attends concerts at any chance he gets and keeps himself updated with the music industry. Any Hip Hop, RnB song that comes out he has it on his playlist without fail within hours.

Anthony is also updated with modern technology with his ipod, phone and laptop. He always have an alternative to listen to music if one of his devices fail as he can not go through a day without music. Anthony likes to keep updated with his friends and express himself so he uses websites such as Facebook, Formspring and twitter. Even though he is a really passionate towards his music he is also interested in gaming, sport, TV and films.

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