Thursday 29 September 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover Textual Analysis

The denotation of this photograph shows a girl doing her work and it represents that she is not coping with the situation. The connotation of this photograph represents stressful and no free time.

She is posed in a way where she looks like she can not take it anymore and her desk is full of revision material. This is shown by her facial expression, body language and even the surrounding props.

Setting- The girl is set in a room where she is revising for alot of subjects and has books layed out for it. There are so much books that she doesnt have a place to store them so they are stacked on top of each other. There is also a cup of drunken milk and half eaten toast which represents that she hasnt even had to have a proper snack or tidy up.

Lighting- The lighting used in this photograph is mainly concentrated on the main actor and the rest of the room is dark.

NVC-Her NVC shows that she is tired and almost can not take it no more. Her hair is also scruffy and her elbow is on the desk as well which shows shes again tired and havent had her own free time to do the stuff she wants.

Costume- her costume is casual clothes that you would wear at home so this shows shes actually doing this revising at home. This costume will appeal to those students who would be in her situation as she seems like a everyday person who is struggling to keep up with her studying.

Props- The main prop was a pen in her hand which represented that she hasnt had time to do anything else.


The main coverline relates to the main image as it says 'Testing times. Is revision taking over your life' which the image shows a girl who is struggling to keep with her work. Also the puff goes with the theme of the image.

Target audience:

This is aimed at teenagers who are in the same position as she and who is not keeping up with her work.

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